Saturday, February 13, 2010

Hard Time for Artis Seksi in Bandung

Before sexy actress goes to the place she taken a part of Hot Film at Bandung, Indonesia, she is preparing herself because about less than two hours later she has to go to that place which is at Hotel Indah to do her jobs. So while waiting that two hours she have a chance to open the internet and entering facebook to make update status for herself and may be comment to her friends. After that she will go take a nap for a while.

As sexy actress schedule is very important before doing anything, without schedule may be whole appointment and her jobs will be unmanaged, so schedule of sexy actress is very important. At this time Indo Actress Seksi try to write about her activity before syuting and doing her jobs as Artis Seksi.

In Sunday while everyone is off from their jobs, Artis Seksi is working hard to finish the schedule of her stock foto hot and that's why this afternoon she has to go to Bandung to complete her jobs. From Bandung she has to go to Jakarta to make an appointment to one of the Famous Magazine to take a Hot Pictures of her, because she has a part to become a Model Bugil for one of product on that magazine, and round and round that's the way Artis Seksi life, and she must not complain for that.

If people say and thinks it's good and nice to be Sexy Actress, I think the opposite, being ordinary people is more good because we have freedom for ourself. By the way, thanks for visiting, if you wants more information and Hot Pictures also Video Hot, you may visit Artis Seksi Ku.


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